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Chinese Market Pocket Watch with Alarm and Mock Pendulum

Release date:2020-01-22
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Chinese Market Pocket Watch with Alarm and Mock Pendulum

Inventory number: PW1911002


Attributable to W. ZUMSTEIN or CH. RENGGER, made circa 1900, 58.6mm, chromium-plated metal. Dial with a visible mock pendulum visible inside an aperture in the base of a traditional “Neuchâteloise” decoration, made for the Chinese market.


Functions: hours, minutes, seconds and alarm.



This type of watch seems to have been made by two manufacturers from the Val-de-Travers: W. Zumstein, Couvet, and Charles Rengger, Fleurier. They produced “novelty” watches with mock pendulum, specially made for the Chinese Market between 1903 and 1909; watches now so-called “La petite pendule”.
